Peter, Worthing

“Re Portia Gibson, Post-Op Nurse
Recently I underwent surgery and had concerns in regards to the way I was progressing. Not only that, I was somewhat emotionally depressed about my wellbeing.
I made contact with my consultant and within a few hours Portia telephone me that she understood I wanted to see someone. That wasn’t an issue she said and I will visit you at home. I explained that I was at work and to cut a long story short she arrived promptly at my office. I can only say that she was like a “breath of fresh air” she immediately put my mind at rest and her professionalism was second to none. I was amazed that the action points she took note of were handled immediately. I would willingly recommend her services.
I decided to contact Portia whom I found to be a lovely lady and now recovering am glad to be able to act on her good advice.”


Peter, Worthing